DCB SR Multiplexers

SR-01 SR Series Statistical Multiplexer, Single Port
SR-04 SR Series Statistical Multiplexer, 4 Port
SR-08 SR Series Statistical Multiplexer, 8 Port
SR-16 SR Series Statistical Multiplexer, 16 Port
SR-24 SR Series Statistical Multiplexer, 24 Port
SR-32 SR Series Statistical Multiplexer, 32 Port
SR-08AOB 8 Port Add on Board
/DSU Add for Internal 56/64K DSU
/V.92 Add for Internal V.90 Modem
/12, 24 or 48 Add for 12, 24, 48 VDC power option
/125DC Add for 125VDC power option
Wireless Multiplexers
SR-04W/900 Wireless Statistical Multiplexer, 4 Port, 900MHz
SR-04W/2.4 Wireless Statistical Multiplexer, 4 Port, 2.4GHz
Individually configured asynchronous ports
Port speeds to 38.4 Kbps, (Up to 57.6 Kbps with SR-04)
Synchronous composite to 128 Kbps, async to 115.2 Kbps
Network Management Port
Remote set up and testing
Leased line, frame relay, or dial up composite
“One Touch Dial” for modems and ISDN
1, 4, 8, 16, 24 or 32 channel models
Test message generation
“Data Scope” functions to allow monitoring of any data port
“Copy Command” for remote training
Composite link is error corrected
Field upgradable
Optional internal 56 Kbps DSU/CSU
Optional internal V.90 modem